Wednesday 17 July 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 11

Your current relationship, If single discuss how single life is

My current relationship is single for over 2 years. Single life does not sit well with me, I mean it leaves me free to stew in my insecurities without annoying anyone but that's not exactly healthy. I don't like the single life, I'm not one of these girls who can dress all slutty and go out every weekend to find someone to fuck and fill the void until next weekend. I prefer having a connection to one person, I'm a hopeless romantic who likes to make a fuss of birthdays and celebrate anniversaries, but is just as likely to do something sweet just because its Wednesday. 
I can survive on crushes and daydreams, but only for so long, and I think I've reached that point now where I just can't do that anymore. The single life is wearing me down.

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