Monday 5 August 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 30!

What changed this month and what you hope will happen next month.

This past month nothing has really changed, it all started to look up but that only lasted a week. Now it's all back to normal.

  • I started to lose weight, then I started binge eating...again.
  • I started exercising every day, then I gave up...again.
  • I reconnected with an old friend, we haven't spoken for over a week.
  • I had a glimmer of hope for a few days, now it's gone.
  • I started a course at TAFE that I thought would be really cool, it's not.
  • I finished my old journal, I've got a new one now.
  • I have a new computer.
  • My itunes is OCD compliant now.

For the next month I hope that I can get back on track with losing weight, I hope I can do it by eating right and exercising, I hope I do get obsessed, at least then I'll be able to stick to it again. I hope that when I get back from Newcastle it will be with a new camera and to a pile of penpal letters. I hope I can sell my bass guitar. I hope I get a job and I hope that now that I've stuck with doing this blog challenge thing for 30 days I'll be able to stick with more things in life without giving up when it gets hard or I get bored.

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