Monday 25 June 2012

Hello :)

Well hello there,
I am a brand new blogger, I mean I have tumblr. But that's got nothing to do with writing, it's all pretty pictures and popularity. I'm new to the business of online publishing of my writing. I've been an amateur writer since I was 7, I'm 18 now and have only just recently remembered how much I like to write. One day I hope I'll have at least one publication to my name, but in the meantime I'll be posting bit's and pieces and hopefully soon I'll have a pretty good blog.

On this blog you can expect to see;
  • Bits and pieces of writing, mostly unfinished.
  • Things I find in the archives from when I was younger.
  • Recounts of particularly awesome or horrible days.
  • A whole lot of randomness and reflection.
  • Undoubtedly a whole lot of emotion and angst that flows from my brain, through my fingertips to the screen.
  • Maybe even stuff I do for school if it's not awful.
In short, it's my blog I'll post whatever the hell I want haha :D